I. Your character:
Name: Worldender
Race: NE
Class: Rogue
Talent spec: atm 20/41/0
Level: 70
II. Are you willing to respec if asked?
i`m respecc`ing even 3 times a day, if required
III. What is your current guild & guild history?
I was in HordeGrinders for a while, untill some of my friends left, so i went rogue aswell but unclanned is no fun
IV. Why did you get kicked/leave the guilds you have been in?
See above
V. Current gear (WoW Armory link)
1624 AP/ 188 hit / 30.53% crit, i can go up to 250 hit rating if needed, but a small decrease in AP/crit
VI. What raiding experience do you have?
kara, gruul, ssc/tk/ MH (2 bosses)
VII. Do you have the Kharazan key? Do you hold any other dungeon keys we should know about?
i can go everywhere :p
VIII. Are you 18+?
IX. Are you sure?
Yes, i`ve checked my ID`
X. We raid Thursday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from 18.30/19 to 23. Any reason why you might not meet this schedule?
Raiding is what i want, i won`t miss them
XI. Are you able to use Ventrilo 3.0? Talking is a plus, but listening is required.
Yes, can use it
XII. What can you offer to Limited Edition, and what do you expect from us in return?
everything that defines the term "guild"
XIII. Information about you personally
I`ve played for 3 years or so another MMORPG called Lineage 2, was in the best clan there along with Colman, who is actually the main reason i want to join Limited (honesty yay)
Real Name: Radu
XIV. Why are you applying to this guild?(is it for loot, or make friends and have fun?)
I want to evolve in this game and the best choice seems to be Limited Edition, and my cousin is another reason
XV. Anything you'd like to add?
Nope, not really
XVI. Do you agree with our rules and terms?(simply yes or no)