I. Your character:Formm the Druid Tank
Race:Night elf
Talent spec: 0/50/11
Level: 70
II. yes
III. Was in a guild on twisted nether in which i tanked parts of SSC and Tk and Ive tanked karra and grull
IV. Changed server love magtheridon have rouge on horde
V. Pve Tank gear is Earthwarden, Barbed choaker of dicipline, Heavy Clefthoof set, and silkks cloak of placation. Full buffed i have 15k health in bear form
and with tank gear i have 25k armour
1458 Ap in tank gear with 19.80 crit unbuffed bear form
2112 ap in dps gear 27.32 crit unbuffed in bear form
2574 ap cat form
VI. Karra Grull parts of SSc and TK
VII. Yeh
IX. yeh
X. Yup
XI. Yeh
XII. a good friend and helpful character
XIII. 18 years old 6,1 studies film studies media and photography at A Level email is figo7@hotmil.co.uk
Real Name: Luke
XIV. All 3
XV. Please accept
XVI. Yes
Title must include your name and class: [Name] - [Class]